The PCI Files

For more than a year, TIGC has been focused in no small part on the inexplicable collapse of Georgia’s per capita income (PCI) performance. We’ve documented that disproportionate shares of our population and huge swaths of our geography have fallen into the bottom national ranks for various important economic metrics, including — in addition to PCI — median household income, poverty and gross domestic product (GDP) per capita. We’ve come to regard this as a major part of the TIGC story and plan to maintain a sharp focus on it.

  • … Hayslett has documented the widening gulf between rural and urban Georgia with an unrelenting avalanche of facts and figures.
    The Jolt
    The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
  • TIGC has compiled some startling numbers demonstrating the deep divide between Georgia’s rural and urban counties in almost every area that matters. I recommend this free blog to your attention. Amidst the constant swirl of hype and opinion surrounding us, Charlie’s insights are refreshingly fact-based and candid—good information, regardless of your politics.
    Pete McCommons
    Publisher, The Flagpole, Athens, Ga
  • This is not just another blog… If you want data and evidence of Georgia’s rural-urban disparities, look no further.
    Jan Nijman
    Director, Urban Studies Institute, Georgia State University
  • Through Trouble in God’s Country, Charlie Hayslett sets out the predicament and disparity of the rural areas of Georgia that we love and cherish but fear losing with documented facts and the truth.
    DuBose Porter
    Executive Editor, The Dublin Courier Herald Publishing Company

Golden Oldies

A collection of vintage TIGC stories that still attract reader interest


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